Easily find the right service provider for your needs.
Just request a service, get quotes from nearby businesses, choose a business to work with, then rate your experience afterwards.
Someone needing service (from a handyman, mechanic, caterer, whatever) submits a request, then waits for businesses to respond with quotes.
Nearby small businesses and contractors are notified, and they each send a quote to the user. They can also request more details from the user.
The user reviews the offer, then contacts a business he/she chooses to work with. After the service is rendered, the user can rate it.
As a small business owner or contractor using Service Finder, you don't have to go hunting for customers. Just create a FREE business account, and chill. Customers will find you! It's a very inexpensive way of getting customers and growing your business.
No need to browse through business directories or websites, or contact different businesses for quotes, and so on. Just send the request, and quotes will come flying in from small businesses & contractors for you to choose from!